Prologue: little nitpick about Inside Out
Turning Inside Out Upside Down

Ok, overall, a really great movie...there’s only one teensy little problem:

I kinda understand the stress of moving to a new house, especially at that age, and I (kind of) get to a kid that city living would be a difficult adjustment from a big midwestern farmhouse... But I grew up near San Francisco. Riley just moved in to a Victorian in the middle of San Francisco.

Let me repeat that...


Now, I can’t find any screencaps online right now of the exterior of the house (if you know of any please put a link in the comments and I’ll update the post!), but comparing from memory here’s what 10 minutes of googling some real estate sites showed me:






Even the interior on this one looks amazingly similar to Riley’s house!


OK, granted: Riley’s parents got a fixer-upper...but the return on any renovations they do on the house will probably be more profitable than whatever venture her dad was doing in the first place!

Actually, come to think of it: why don't Riley's parents TELL HER how awesome this house is, and how much it will be worth when they fix it up? Could they not tell she was upset about the house and her room? I'm pretty sure an 11 year old can read a real estate listing for comparable houses, and would have a blast with some idea boards on Pinterest specifically for renovating Victorians (like, uh, here and here in 20 seconds flat*!).

In fact, here is a Pixarification of 11 year old me being told the house I lived in was going to be worth 3.5 million dollars someday:

*Well, okay, it WOULD have taken 20 seconds if I hadn't gotten so distracted looking at all the pretty pictures!


  1. Yes! I watched this after discussing Bay Area real estate with a friend who lives in Oakland, and when I saw that they were in a historic house on one of the steep streets, after it was already established that money was tight, I kind of choked laughing.

    1. Yeah, and one of the other funny things about it for me is that they evoked San Francisco really beautifully, and as I mentioned I grew up there. I've also lived away from CA for many years for school and work, so I'm kind of in the opposite situation from Riley. So, when I see the city up on the screen, some deep, irrational part of my brain goes "HOME!!!!" and is stuck in this totally illogical loop "but why does she want to go home? That's San Francisco! San Francisco = home!!!" Which yes, I know, makes no sense for someone not from San Francisco, and yes I am nearly 30 and perfectly capable of figuring out that not every human being grew up in San Francisco (but there's a little part of my brain somewhere that didn't get the message!).

    2. Here's the house

  2. Riley’s house didn’t look as good as the ones you’ve shown. It was in a narrow street with with barely any sunlight coming through, also. I doubt it was over a million dollars.

  3. It didn’t look as good as the ones you’ve shown and it also was in a narrow street with no yard or even greenery so I doubt it’s over a million dollars.


About the Author

Satiricalifragilistic grew up during the Disney Renaissance, and The Little Mermaid was the first movie she ever saw in theaters at age 3. Her mother flatly refused to let her leave the theater when Ursula got huge and terrifying, and maybe that explains her troubled psyche.

While she'll admit to being an inveterate nitpicker, she firmly believes in loving a piece of art even while criticizing it, and in the importance of engaging critically with what she loves. She has special contempt for anyone who tries to claim the politics in Disney films don't matter because "they're just movies," because she knows exactly how much the Disney Canon influenced her little gradeschool self—for good and for ill!

She loves art, design, music, dancing, movies from Hollywood's Golden Age, and British comedy...expect a lot of these to turn up in her reviews and mashups!